
News About the Project

“Trinta mil lampreias subiram o Mondego em dois anos pela nova escada em Coimbra”

“In two years, thirty thousand lampreys used the Coimbra fish pass in Mondego River”

Published by RTP online on the 24th of February 2015 following an interview with Pedro Raposo de Almeida (Project PI) about the use of the new fish pass at the Açude-Ponte dam in Coimbra (See more).

"Açudes do Mondego recebem obras para facilitar passagem de peixes e lampreias"

"Mondego weirs were modified to ease the passage of fish and lampreys"

Published by Porto Canal online on the 2nd of March 2015, includes an interview with Pedro Raposo de Almeida (Project PI) about the interventions taking place in several weirs of the Mondego River, to enable the migration of diadromous fish (See More).

"Praia fluvial de Coimbra vai ter escada de peixe"

"New fish pass on the Coimbra´s river beach "

Published by the Diário das Beiras online on the 9th of September 2015, about the construction of a nature-like fish pass at Palheiros river beach, with citations from the local entities (See More).

"Vila Nova de Poiares conclui açude que facilita migração de peixes"

"Fish migration facilitated by new fish pass at Vila Nova de Poiares weir"

Published online on the 9th of September 2015 by Público, announcing the conclusion of the interventions at Louredo weir in the framework of the project. Includes interview of the Mayor of Vila Nova de Poiares, José Miguel Henriques (See more).

"Intervenção no Mondego facilita subida de peixes"

"Fish migration facilitated by interventions in Mondego River"

Published by Diário de Coimbra on the 30th of October 2015, announcing the conclusion of the interventions in Penacova weir in order to rehabilitate River Mondego for migratory fish and nautical sports. The article includes comments of the Mayor, Humberto Oliveira, and the councilman for sports, Ricardo Simões (See more).

"Ilustradores da UA explicam a importância das passagens para peixes do Mondego"

"Illustrators from the University of Aveiro explain the importance of the Mondego fish passes"

Published on the 18th of May 2016 by Penacova Actual (online edition) following the installation of interpretive panels near the fish passes built in several weirs in River Mondego in the framework of the project “Habitat restoration for diadromous fish in River Mondego, Portugal” (See more).

"Ambiente - Peixes migradores mostraram-se em Coimbra"

"Environment – Migratory Fish shown in Coimbra"

Published by Diário de Coimbra on the 22nd of May 2016, including comments of Pedro Raposo de Almeida (Project PI) and other participants on the celebrations of the “World Fish Migration Day 2016 – Connecting Fish, Rivers and People” at the Açude-Ponte dam fish pass, which took place on the 21st of May (See more).

"Reconhecimento- Projeto para peixes migradores do Mondego ganha prémio internacional"

"Acknowledgment – Project for migrating fish in River Mondego wins international prize"

Published by Penacova Actual (online edition) on the 1st of July 2016, including comments of the project coordinator Pedro Raposo de Almeida as a result of the atribution of the international award “Distinguished Project in Fisheries Engineering and Ecohydrology” to the project "Habitat restoration for diadromous fish in river Mondego, Portugal"(See more).

"Prémio internacional para projeto da Universidade de Évora"

"Project from University of Évora wins international award"

Published online by Tribuna do Alentejo on the 3rd of July 2016 following the award of the prize“Distinguished Project in Fisheries Engineering and Ecohydrology”on the 21st/22nd of June 2106 (See more).

Peixes Migradores: Projeto de passagens de peixe no Mondego premiado nos Estados Unidos

Migrating Fish: Fish passes Project in Mondego River wins prize in the United States

Aired on tv by RTP3, includes comments of Carlos Batista, Portuguese Environmental Agency, and Pedro Raposo de Almeida, project PI, on the interventions done in Mondego River in order to obtain a clear passage for migrating fish (See more).

O caso feliz dos peixes migradores do Mondego que voltaram a subir o rio para reprodução

Migrating fish in river Mondego reach once more upstream reproduction grounds, a happy case

Interview with the project coordinator, Pedro Raposo de Almeida, aired by Antena 2 in context of the radio program "Planeta Mar/Sea Planet" on the 23rd of September 2016 (See more).
